Evidence shows regular inspection of the feet can greatly reduce the risk of developing a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). But for many, this can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve developed an easy way to check your feet at home, in 30 seconds a day!
25% of people with diabetes will develop at least one DFU that requires medical attention due to an issue known as peripheral neuropathy
40% of people who experience a DFU will go on to have another within a year, and for many it can be more often.
$17B is the direct cost of treating diabetic foot ulcers in the US, but health related costs that can arise following an amputation are significantly higher.
Foot Scanner
The OneStep Foot Scanner is designed with people in mind. It resembles a common home weighing scale and from a patient point of view, works the same. They simply stand on the scanner for approximately 30 seconds and it captures and transmits foot temperature data + hi-resolution images of the feet for remote analysis.
Monitoring Service
Our EveryStep Monitoring Service then analyzes the temperature and image data to identify risk areas on the feet, and engages with patients and prescribers as needed.
As you know, it’s important to check your feet regularly to find any problem areas that could result in a foot ulcer. In fact, doctors have published studies that show checking your feet and measuring the temperature can reduce up to 70% of ulcers!
We take the burden of routine foot checks off of clinic staff and provide timely alerts when a patient requires medical attention. Additionally, we collect longitudinal data on these patients to support clinicians in understanding changes to their patients’ foot health and behaviors over time.